On Friday, February 26th at 10 AM PST (1 PM EST / 6 PM GMT), Join #RadicalBlackFemme artist-in-residence, Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi, a.k.a. crazinisT artisT, for an immersive virtual workshop.
Blacksitioning is a reclamation ritual and a transitional rite exploring Blackness, human mortality, and our sense of belonging. The workshop is primarily open to Black identifying persons and allies who are interested in experimenting performance rituals while investigating the horrors of gender queerness, Blackness, white supremacy etc. Although the workshop is not a literal representation of our struggles it aims at allowing the participants to reflect on our vulnerabilities, fears, the powers we possess and the essence of our reclamation.
Participants should come prepared with the following natural non-toxic household materials that will not be harmful if ingested.
Bucket of Water
Clay (0.5kg)
Food Dye
Olive Oil
Dried/Fresh Herbs*
A Mat*
SUBSTITUTES (or similar)
Pot of Water
Flour (2-3 cups)
Avocado Oil
Sage, Green Leaves, or Salt*
An old blanket, yoga mat, or painters plastic
*Herbs with medicinal properties
*Salt is used to cleanse physically & spiritually and can replace the herbs
*The "mat" should be large enough to lay your entire body on